Wednesday, May 4, 2005

An Inconveinnt Truth

Global warming is not new news. It started many years ago, as the earth emerged from the ice which covered it.

Al Gore who is a man cares about climate change and he has tried to show people how this problem is every dangerous to the environment also he wants to show how it is effecting on humans and animals. He talks about changes the climate north of the equator so we can see that change. The glaciers change to water so they will causes an increase the level of the sea this will cause flooding to towns which are near the beaches such as India, Pakistan and some cities in America. Also AL Gore said the temperatures will increase in the future so the ice will melt more and more and causing a mounts of water to raise this dangerously. He mentions there are many countries that care about global warming such as America which did great thing like the ozone layer issue.

In conclusion,the problem can see from what I have written above about AL Gore. This problem is serious problem because the world is in dangerous position so we need to put rules about this subject.