Sunday, March 18, 2007


My name is Suhail AL Moharrami. I’m 25 years old. . I’m married since 2003. I have two children. I live in Bani Yas which is 35 KM from Abu Dhabi. I’m student at HCT Abu Dhabi Men's College. This is the second year and still three years for graduation.I have been working for ZADCO for five years but at the moment I have scholarship to continue my study with chemical Engineering major. After graduation I will go back to my company in new position as a field engineer.

My hobbies are reading, playing football and traveling .my favourite foods are hot foods and fast food. Also like traditional foods such as harees and thread. Finally, this blog about global warming and social issues, I like my life, because I ‘m happy with it. Also I got a chance to continue my study. I would advice anyone who likes to enjoy his life to care about future.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Introduction to Global Warming

Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere. Also it will increase if people still continue the same way. The earth is naturally warmed by rays from the sun which passes through the earth's atmosphere and is reflected back out to space again. So some global warming is good. But if extra greenhouse gases are made, the thermal blanket gets thicker and too much heat is kept in the earth's atmosphere. That's when global warming's bad.
Now I will mention the problems which are causes the global warming.The first problem is that gases are produced through activities which release carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and ozone. there is another problem which is smoke gas will cause the polution.
Finally, the global warming is very serious for us, so I devise everybody to care about it.

this link will show you video about Global Worming

Wednesday, May 4, 2005

An Inconveinnt Truth

Global warming is not new news. It started many years ago, as the earth emerged from the ice which covered it.

Al Gore who is a man cares about climate change and he has tried to show people how this problem is every dangerous to the environment also he wants to show how it is effecting on humans and animals. He talks about changes the climate north of the equator so we can see that change. The glaciers change to water so they will causes an increase the level of the sea this will cause flooding to towns which are near the beaches such as India, Pakistan and some cities in America. Also AL Gore said the temperatures will increase in the future so the ice will melt more and more and causing a mounts of water to raise this dangerously. He mentions there are many countries that care about global warming such as America which did great thing like the ozone layer issue.

In conclusion,the problem can see from what I have written above about AL Gore. This problem is serious problem because the world is in dangerous position so we need to put rules about this subject.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Opinion - An Inconvenient Truth

The film, an inconvenient truth was very interesting, because it showed us a lot of information about global warming. Also I liked the explanation of Mr. AL Gore, because he had a special way of making people interested in his presentation. Al Gore made the issue of the melting ice the most compelling viewing in this presentation this is because he gave us examples of the melting ice such as the how the temperature was increasing and showed us a video of how the ice was melting, This will cause problems such as it will increase the sea level this will cause floods in towns which are near the coast such as New York and London. Overall I agree with all the points that were mentioned. The music was very effective; also the images that included graphs were appropriate for all the facts. In my opinion, my evaluation of this movie is 9 out of 10.

Finally, the movie has more information about Global warming which we don’t know about it. Also it shows us what will happen in the future. I would like to advise people how like his live in save should care about Global warming.

Monday, May 3, 2004

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Lebanon report

Lebanon is the one of fewer beautiful countries of the world

Lebanon was called the land of milk and honey in ancient times. In addition also the nicknam for Beirut was Paris of the East .Shakira is a famous singer who is half Lebanese. There are five counties that surround Lebanese which are Israel, Syria, Jordan, Turkey and Cyprus.

In 1943 there were increased tensions between Muslims and Christians, because after Lebanon gained independence, the Christians held the balance of power and Lebanese and the Muslims didn’t except that. In 1975 the tensions reach their peak, because the Christians killed a bus of full Palestinians in downtown Beirut. However the results of the tensions were revenge killings and violence that began to spiral out of control. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing Palestinians from Beirut after that seven years latter a peace deal were signed. The resulting human and economic were costs, were between 150000-20000people were killed, a father 300000 were wounded and the economy was paralyzed.

Finally, since the war has ended there are signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut such as newly built highway to carry high-speed traffic, built US-style shopping malls and they were built new wonder corniche. There were some problems in the country such as 300000 young people have left, foreigners are taking over business and unemployment remain very high.

Bibliography:"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Sociaty. 8 Apr. 2008 .

To know more about Lebanon please followe the steps:
- copy the link below.
-past it in the browser address.
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Thursday, May 6, 1999

Conflict Diamond Power Point

To view my Power Point on conflict diamonds

  • First click the link below
  • Next, on the new page click Download File

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Download conflictdiamonds.ppt