Tuesday, May 4, 2004

Opinion - An Inconvenient Truth

The film, an inconvenient truth was very interesting, because it showed us a lot of information about global warming. Also I liked the explanation of Mr. AL Gore, because he had a special way of making people interested in his presentation. Al Gore made the issue of the melting ice the most compelling viewing in this presentation this is because he gave us examples of the melting ice such as the how the temperature was increasing and showed us a video of how the ice was melting, This will cause problems such as it will increase the sea level this will cause floods in towns which are near the coast such as New York and London. Overall I agree with all the points that were mentioned. The music was very effective; also the images that included graphs were appropriate for all the facts. In my opinion, my evaluation of this movie is 9 out of 10.

Finally, the movie has more information about Global warming which we don’t know about it. Also it shows us what will happen in the future. I would like to advise people how like his live in save should care about Global warming.

1 comment:

omar174blogproject said...

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