Sunday, April 20, 2003

Lebanon report

Lebanon is the one of fewer beautiful countries of the world

Lebanon was called the land of milk and honey in ancient times. In addition also the nicknam for Beirut was Paris of the East .Shakira is a famous singer who is half Lebanese. There are five counties that surround Lebanese which are Israel, Syria, Jordan, Turkey and Cyprus.

In 1943 there were increased tensions between Muslims and Christians, because after Lebanon gained independence, the Christians held the balance of power and Lebanese and the Muslims didn’t except that. In 1975 the tensions reach their peak, because the Christians killed a bus of full Palestinians in downtown Beirut. However the results of the tensions were revenge killings and violence that began to spiral out of control. In 1982 the Israeli army invaded the city with the aim of removing Palestinians from Beirut after that seven years latter a peace deal were signed. The resulting human and economic were costs, were between 150000-20000people were killed, a father 300000 were wounded and the economy was paralyzed.

Finally, since the war has ended there are signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut such as newly built highway to carry high-speed traffic, built US-style shopping malls and they were built new wonder corniche. There were some problems in the country such as 300000 young people have left, foreigners are taking over business and unemployment remain very high.

Bibliography:"Eye on Lebanon." Global Eye. 25 Spring 2006. Royal Geographic Sociaty. 8 Apr. 2008 .

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Saleh174blogproject said...

Hi mr suhail the lebanon report attract me with i thing it is a good rport.

suhail said...